My mom-soulmate

I’m pretty sure I ran into my mom-soulmate at Toys R Us the other day. I’ll call her my mommate.

So, here is an open letter to my mommate,
I saw you walking around the toy store chasing after three little ones. Almost the same age as my brats.  Hair up, bags under eyes, a tired look on your face. I give you props for not only grtting up and getting everyone dressed and ready, but even taking them to a toy store on a Sunday afternoon. I understand that struggle very well.
 I saw you arguing with your husband when he asked you to grab something and you saying “maybe the one who isn’t chasing the kids around should!”  I think i’ve said those exact words at least once a week.
I came down an asile chasing after my two year old who had just dicaovered an entire rack of baby dolls and you were there standing with your feet on either side of a one year old girl as she screamed and rolled back and forth on the floor. You smiled and me and I smiled a “knowing” look back. Sometimes it’s nice to see you aren’t the only mom with kids who do embarrassing things. I’ve felt your pain many a time and sometimes you just let them get it all out.
I watched your child walk up to a case of barbies and accidentally knock them all over. I watcher her eyes get big and look up at your scared. You just said “it’s okay” and start picking them up, she helped.
You followed your children down every aisle, you listened to their chatter about various toys and answered their questions over and over.
You kissed the elbow of a much older child when she fell running, even though you had asked her nkt to run.
You held your husbands hand and leaned on his shoulder when all three children were happily playing in a toy car.
We ran into eachother again as it would happen. We decided to stop at the small diner next to the store for lunch and after a time you and your fanily walked in. I saw relief in your eyes when you spotted us because even though we did not know eachother we both were haply not to be the only loud table in the resturant. I heard your children asking for everything on the menu and sticking their hands in your face as you read.
I saw your very defeated looking husband wating as the children hung all over him.
I saw you asking your kids over and over to eat, to sit, to keep their voices down and still smiling and laughing when they did something goofy.
Some moments I felt like I was looking in a mirror. I hope that everyone who sees me doung these things is as understanding as I felt towards you today. It’s nice to know that I am not alon in my feelings.
Everything you did seemed tired, a little beat out. But still you pushed on. You did things for your children and they were having lots of fun. I feel your tiredness, I understand your frustrantions and I am proud of you for trying mama! Some days will be better then others, but everyday will be well worth it and much missed when all those sweet little people are all grown up.


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