Today, we played.

Today, we didn’t get dressed out of our jammies. Today mom didn’t do her hair, or put on makeup. Today we had fun. Today was different.
Pretty much every morning consists of the same stuff. A routine. Get up, everyone gets dressed and does their bathroom stuff. Mom starts breakfast and everyone eats. Mom cleans up breakfast and everyone starts playing. Most days as the kids play mom follows behind cleaning rooms they abandon, doing dishes or doing laundry. She reads a few books, builds something or gets a few minutes of cuddle time in between all the housework. Most days, this is okay. I mean, who else is gonna get everything done? But today, today was fun.
Today we ate cereal instead of a big breakfast with fruit. We sat in front of the TV and cuddled this morning while laughing to some goofy kids show. Today we stayed in our warm jammies. We built a blanket fort in the living room, we got too rowdy and it fell to pieces. We laughed. We played with almost every toy in the playroom. Mixing sets and jumping from area to area. Today, mom didn’t yell about cleaning up after ourselves. We made a mess. A big mess. Today, the kids laughed and laughed. Today, no one cried or got upset. At lunch time we shared chips and mom sat at the table, instead of doing dishes. Today, mom did not do dishes. We did not clean up our lunch mess. Today at nap time we closed the windows and waited for sister to fall asleep then we got our coloring stuff out and drew silly pictures. Today mom didn’t make brother take a nap. After nap we put on capes and chased each other around the house until we were too tired. We watched a silly movie and cuddled until the day was over and it was time to pick up dad.
Today, my kids didn’t miss me even though I was in the other room. They giggled and laughed and had fun. Today mom got to be a kid. Today the house got neglected and nothing got done. But today was the best day for the kids and that is all that mattered. Today, the kids were tired by bed time and didn’t whine. Today, my kids had fun. Today, I had fun.
Sometimes we have to step back as “adults” and just have fun. Some days it’s okay to let the house be messy, and forget about the rules. You’re kids won’t remember how the floor was always vacuumed or how the dishes were always done. They will remember the day you made a blanket fort, the day you built a tower taller then them or the day you watched that really funny movie. They will remember playing with you and how much fun you could be. You can put your super mom cape away for a day and just be one of the kids. Remember this time now, while they are so little and so much fun. 


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