Sunday Mornings

Waking up on Sunday morning to your children saying good morning, brushing their teeth without asking, sitting down to the table to eat the big sunday breakfast you’ve cooked with fresh fruit, eggs, pancakes and orange juice. What a great start to the last day of the weekend, right? Yeah. Okay.
Here in my house we try to make Sundays “family day” which basically means try as hard as you can to stay home all day and not spend any money. We usually try to clean the mess from avoiding cleaning the rest of the weekend and not rip each others heads off.
This wonderful, dreary gray sunday we all woke up a 9am, which we can call sleeping in, right? My whole family is defiantly feeling the crappy weather. That big Sunday Morning breakfast? Yeah we are all sharing oatmeal drenched in sugar from one big bowl. The kids are set up in front of the TV with whatever weird show looked good to them on Netflix and I’m laying on the couch. Oh and my one year old is carrying around the lemon juice, because yes she can open the fridge on her own now and has a weird obsession with the lemond and lime juice. Pick your battles, right?
The house is a mess from not really being home the past two days and I doubt I will find the desire to clean it, like, ever. Pj’s will most likely be kept on all day and we can only hope I can convince them to get up long enough to brush their teeth and wash their faces.
Good luck on your Sunday Morning mamas, stay strong through the morning grumpys. 


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