The moment you've waited 10 months for... The hospital trip

Hey mamas! I am writing this blog post through the night as baby wakes up to feed-great way to make sure I stay awake!! This post is a general information on one of the biggest portions of having a baby… the hospital stay. When being a cute pregnant whale comes to an end.
Now, you’ve got the maternity pictures, babies room is all set up with tiny items, doctors appointments are down to every week or so and you are officially over being pregnant. I mean, come on 10 months is a long time to let your body be a giant baby cocoon. But how do you plan for a hospital stay? My answer is always-make a list. A list of things you, baby, dad and any other siblings will need. A plan of action (a goal really, as plans are never 100% when it comes to babies!) and a birth plan (if you’d like one).
This wonderful little angel in my arms is my third child. I’m no expert now but I’ve got the drill down. Lets start with the bag list. With my first, I brought way to little, a change of clothes for me and baby-this was hard because I felt really uncomfortable during my stay. My second we seriously over packed and filled half the room with crap we didn’t use (which we later had to unpack at home). Now this third time I made sure to keep our bags at a nice minimal but have lots of my own comfort stuff.
Your hospital room and mostly that wonderful hospital bed will be your home for however long you stay so comfort is essential. Yes you can actually be comfortable even while trapped bedside after pushing out a human being!! Comfort items that you MUST have:
A blanket – hospital blankets are basically large paper towels. Not comfy and you are most likely going to get cold with the IV in your arm. (I suggest a pillow and blanket for dad too, I'm told those fold out beds aren’t exactly temperpedic.)
Boppy – This makes feeding much easier on your tired arms and it’s nice to pass around when visitors come to hold the little one!
Being comfortable goes for your body as well! As soon as the “recovery period” is over I change out of those hospital rags. Loose sweats are great for the second day or so but a extra large tee-shirt or nightgown is best. The nurses will need to check your lady parts frequently and you don’t want to have to pull your pants down every time.
Fuzzy socks – again the ones they give you aren’t comfy or warm. Bring lots!
Hair ties – obviously.
Underwear and your own pads. A medium usually works but if you bleed heavy get the large ones. Also, don’t bring your cute-sy undies. Get a pack of granny panties from Walmart you don’t mind getting blood on. I promise bringing your own pads and undies will make your hospital stay 5x better.
Shower / beauty bag – shampoo, conditioner, bar of soap and maybe a disposable razor. Also a toothbrush, paste m, hairbrush and some deodorant. A small bag of “essential” makeup items is suggested. You may not think you’ll care but will all those people walking in and out to see baby you will feel pretty ragged. A little makeup will perk your mood up!
Dads bag should include dry snacks, microwavable and probably some energy drinks! The cafeteria can get expensive and it’s not open very long. The more food dad has the less he has to leave the room and the more you will save!
Check your hospital out if you aren’t sure what they offer for baby. The more they offer the less you will need to pack! A special outfit to leave in is essential for most moms. Suggestion: buy one outfit in preemie size. Baby will fit better and the outfit won’t look scrunched up in photos! Plus a blanket from home is more comfortable for cuddling baby. Have mom sleep with it for a few nights so it smells like her, this is great to calm baby into the new world.
Everyone has a different birth experience. If you think you’ll want something with you, pack it. It’s a big time in any mamas life and you deserve to be as comfortable as you can get! A sweater or robe is nice to have, lotion for calming muscles (dad can help), a phone or camera charger, anything you think you’ll need! Ask other moms what they think is “essential” if you want more ideas from REAL mamas!
Remember, babies cost money to have. Birthing costs can go over 8,000$. Check with your insurance to see what they cover and what they don’t. You don’t want to get slapped with a big bill afterwards. Somethings you can deny are pain meds like Tylenol and ibuprofen. If you know your body you can bring your own and decline what they offer those little pills charge you almost 30$ a pop. You can deny the epidural if you choose but I believe that is one thing I'll pay any price for!
Do your research. Know as much as you can about what will happen to your body, to baby’s body and the procedure. Ask question to your doctor, as other mamas for advice, take the hospital tour even if you have before. Know your birth plan and know the possibilities of what could happen.
Make sure you get photos! Weather you have someone you trust in the room, or you have dad snap a few after baby pops out, those are precious moments that you will want. Make a list of must-have photos for your stay if you are a big scrap booker or like lots of memories.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions to your nurses and doctors. Request whatever you need. Let dad and everyone else help. You just popped a baby out, you deserve a little help!! Don’t be afraid to send baby to nursery either. Once you go home there won’t be anyone to take baby so you can sleep. A few hours in the nursery to catch up on ZZZs is OKAY. You aren’t a bad mom, you are human! When the nurses take baby for hearing tests, blood tests, and the 24hr check up – SLEEP. Lay down and take a nap. They will wake you when baby is back.
This is your baby. This is your birth story. Do not let anyone take anything from you and do not let anyone tell you how to do it. And of course.. enjoy your baby. Skin to skin, cord clamping, breast or bottle – it doesn’t matter. Enjoy the tiny human who just came out of you. They start getting older by the second..

Here are some pictures from my third child, my sleeping beauty’s birth.
Aurora Rose
Aug 15th 10:39pm 6lbs 6oz. 17.5in


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